Active Member
Many people find that helping others is a worthwhile goal. For example, some who have struggled with mental illness in the past are successful at fighting through it, and, in return, want to help others with mental illness.
Don't get me wrong, having a positive outlook about helping others is key. But don't get so positive that your not being realistic.
Some mental health workers, mental health professionals, and just everyday people have the best intentions. However, they can't face the fact that their's only so much they can do to help people, and that there are those who can't be helped. So they believe that they can help people and save the world while they're at it-until reality slaps them across the face, that is.
Be realistic about helping others. If you can't be realistic, then your just going to burn yourself out. And if your burned out trying to help others, then how are you going to be effective at helping them?