Avatar is a pretty deep cartoon for Nickelodeon Studios. I happen to catch a repeat on NickToons and searched and found a transcript I found truly thought provoking and useful in everyday life.
Hue: (voice over) Oh, the swamp is a mystical place, all right. It’s sacred.
(Cut to a shot of a space between the roots of the tree at its base. The group enters the frame.)
Hue: I reached enlightenment right here under the banion grove tree. (He sits) I hear it callin’ me, just like you did.
Sokka: Sure ya did. It seems real chatty.
Hue: See this whole swamp is actually just one tree spread out over miles…
(The camera zooms out and fades to show several shots of the tree, finally ending with a shot of tree and the whole swamp.)
Hue: branches, spread and sink and take root and then spread some more – one big living organism, just like the entire world.
(Cut back to Hue’s p.o.v. looking at the kids.)
Aang: I get how the tree is one big thing, but, the whole world*
Hue: (cut to Hue’s face) Sure. You think you’re any different from me* Or your friends* Or this tree* (The camera cuts to different shots of the swamp as Hue speaks) If you listen hard enough you can hear every living thing breathing together, you can feel everything growing. We’re all livin’ together, even if most folks don’t act like it. We all have the same roots, and we are all branches of the same tree.
(Camera pans up form the last shot to show a long shot of the group sitting on the tree root.)
Katara: But what did our visions mean*
Hue: In the swamp we see visions of people we’ve lost, people we loved…
(The screen flashes white as we enter a flashback. The flashback pans right to show the spirit of Yue, and the back of Sokka and Katara’s mom.)
Hue: (continuing from voice over) …folks we think are gone. But the swamp tells us they’re not.
(The screen flashes white and the flashback ends. When the screen returns, Hue is seated where he was and continues to speak.)
Hue: We’re still connected to’em. Time is an illusion and so is death.