Hello everyone. I have recently discovered that advertising other web sites is allowed here.
I would like everyone to help out as much as possible and however possible with the following web site, preferrably by becoming a forum member of the web site and participating in discussions just like everyone does on this forum.
A friend of mine and I have revitalized an old gaming community, previously owned by another friend of mine, that consisted of dozens of thousands of members and players who participated in various activites. It was a very successful organization - extremely popular and probably the most demanding community ever made. Alas, my dumb ass friend decided to drop the entire organization because he wanted to play a shitty game called Final Fantasy XI (the online one) for the rest of his life. Now it is in our hands and we need as much help as possible.
Forum features:
The forum is similar to this one - everything is almost free. The following servers for games will soon be open:
MMORPGS: Ragnarok, Legend of Mir 2
MOFPS: Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat and possibly Counter-Strike: Source
For now, only the CS server is available and my friend is still working on the rest. So basically, the MMORPGs I stated above will be private servers and will obviously be free. As for CS and DoD, they are Half-Life mods so you would need the program Steam and a Steam ID with a Half-Life CD Key in order to play them all.
YOU DO NOT NECESSARILY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE ACTIVITIES YET!!! Just become a member - there is way more to come! You can always chat on the forums just like you do here.
Please, this is only a call for help - I am not forcing anyone to do anything. Becoming a member will be more than enough help for us. My forum name is LegoMasta which is also my in-game name for the Half-Life mods. I am also an administrator there.
Hello everyone. I have recently discovered that advertising other web sites is allowed here.
I would like everyone to help out as much as possible and however possible with the following web site, preferrably by becoming a forum member of the web site and participating in discussions just like everyone does on this forum.
A friend of mine and I have revitalized an old gaming community, previously owned by another friend of mine, that consisted of dozens of thousands of members and players who participated in various activites. It was a very successful organization - extremely popular and probably the most demanding community ever made. Alas, my dumb ass friend decided to drop the entire organization because he wanted to play a shitty game called Final Fantasy XI (the online one) for the rest of his life. Now it is in our hands and we need as much help as possible.
Forum features:
The forum is similar to this one - everything is almost free. The following servers for games will soon be open:
MMORPGS: Ragnarok, Legend of Mir 2
MOFPS: Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat and possibly Counter-Strike: Source
For now, only the CS server is available and my friend is still working on the rest. So basically, the MMORPGs I stated above will be private servers and will obviously be free. As for CS and DoD, they are Half-Life mods so you would need the program Steam and a Steam ID with a Half-Life CD Key in order to play them all.
YOU DO NOT NECESSARILY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE ACTIVITIES YET!!! Just become a member - there is way more to come! You can always chat on the forums just like you do here.
Please, this is only a call for help - I am not forcing anyone to do anything. Becoming a member will be more than enough help for us. My forum name is LegoMasta which is also my in-game name for the Half-Life mods. I am also an administrator there.