Art - A Debate That Isn't About Religion (I hope??)

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Apologies to the necessary people if this is already a thread, and personal slavery if it was a recent thread.

So, a few questions:
So what is art? What qualifications does something have to reach before you deem it artistic?
What's the difference between art and entertainment? Is there even a difference?
Are games art?
How important is art?
How many times can I say art in this thread?
Is there "high art" and "low art"?
Hypothetically speaking, music is art. But is this art? YouTube - Merzbow - Minus Zero
YouTube - Wolf Eyes - Human Animal
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Peter Parka

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I've no idea what is really art, it's such a broad term. Got to admit I find a lot of the stuff which passes as art in the Tate Modern rather silly but if people are stupid enough they will pay thousands for it, it's nothing to do with me.


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Apologies to the necessary people if this is already a thread, and personal slavery if it was a recent thread.

So, a few questions:
So what is art? What qualifications does something have to reach before you deem it artistic?
What's the difference between art and entertainment? Is there even a difference?
Are games art?
How important is art?
How many times can I say art in this thread?
Is there "high art" and "low art"?
Hypothetically speaking, music is art. But is this art?
Lets see:

1. Creativity is a must for art, now that falls into that gray line where what is consdiered creativity to some could be considered garbage to others. (see videos you posted lol)

2. No, Art is entertainment, the simple fact that somethin is art, entertains you... and if it entertains you then it probably is art... i guess

3. Yes, games are art, video games in particular have a ton of creativity put into them, storyline, character design, plotting, and of course putting it all together.

4. Very

5. ?

6. There is what some people would consider high END art and what some would consdier "low end" art i think. sadly like everything art is also consdiered high end and low end depending on its monetary value. thus the high end art is expensive, and the low end art could be considered amateur art.

lol ive had a few beers and felt compelled to write something, so there ya go!


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Lets see:

1. Creativity is a must for art, now that falls into that gray line where what is consdiered creativity to some could be considered garbage to others. (see videos you posted lol)

2. No, Art is entertainment, the simple fact that somethin is art, entertains you... and if it entertains you then it probably is art... i guess

3. Yes, games are art, video games in particular have a ton of creativity put into them, storyline, character design, plotting, and of course putting it all together.

4. Very

5. ?

6. There is what some people would consider high END art and what some would consdier "low end" art i think. sadly like everything art is also consdiered high end and low end depending on its monetary value. thus the high end art is expensive, and the low end art could be considered amateur art.

lol ive had a few beers and felt compelled to write something, so there ya go!
Haha thanks!

I'm one of those people that could probably make an argument for anything being art. Some arguments more solid than others, obviously.
Art's very important to me, hence why I want to make a living off of it.

But I want to ask you a follow up question to number 3. I think it's easy to argue "storyline, character design, plotting, and of course putting it all together" makes it art, but I think the major thing that people get caught up on when it comes to games is... does the fact interaction plays a huge part in gaming make it more difficult to classify as art?
For the record, I think games are art too. It's just that they're the baby, they'll need some time to be more accepted. You don't see people arguing that books aren't art, same with music, since they're old arts. Movies are getting to the point that people won't argue the artistic merits of them in general, thankfully because I'm tired of it.

And CB, I'll get to you later.. in my bedroom.

All Else Failed

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Apologies to the necessary people if this is already a thread, and personal slavery if it was a recent thread.

So, a few questions:
So what is art? What qualifications does something have to reach before you deem it artistic?
What's the difference between art and entertainment? Is there even a difference?
Are games art?
How important is art?
How many times can I say art in this thread?
Is there "high art" and "low art"?
Hypothetically speaking, music is art. But is this art?
Lets see:

1. Creativity is a must for art, now that falls into that gray line where what is consdiered creativity to some could be considered garbage to others. (see videos you posted lol)

2. No, Art is entertainment, the simple fact that somethin is art, entertains you... and if it entertains you then it probably is art... i guess

3. Yes, games are art, video games in particular have a ton of creativity put into them, storyline, character design, plotting, and of course putting it all together.

4. Very

5. ?

6. There is what some people would consider high END art and what some would consdier "low end" art i think. sadly like everything art is also consdiered high end and low end depending on its monetary value. thus the high end art is expensive, and the low end art could be considered amateur art.

lol ive had a few beers and felt compelled to write something, so there ya go!
creativity isn't a must for art. I could skin a deer, and crucify it. That would be art but its not creative.

art doesn't have to entertain anyone to be art.

Peter Parka

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I guess whether something is creative or not is up to the individual. I dont see anything creative about painting a blue square on the wall in the Tate modern though obviously someone does or it wouldn't be there.


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Apologies to the necessary people if this is already a thread, and personal slavery if it was a recent thread.

So, a few questions:
So what is art? What qualifications does something have to reach before you deem it artistic?
What's the difference between art and entertainment? Is there even a difference?
Are games art?
How important is art?
How many times can I say art in this thread?
Is there "high art" and "low art"?
Hypothetically speaking, music is art. But is this art?
creativity isn't a must for art. I could skin a deer, and crucify it. That would be art but its not creative.

art doesn't have to entertain anyone to be art.

Not that I approve of skinning deer, but that is a pretty amazing image. Interpretation would be important there. I also think the case could be made that your subconscious was telling you to do that, as well.

And yeah, art doesn't have to entertain. That's why when I review movies on my journal thing I have 3 different ratings, an entertainment one, artsy fartsy and the average of those two put together. That's the most accurate I can be.

Goat Whisperer

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So what is art? Anything that shows you're feelings/creativity
What qualifications does something have to reach before you deem it artistic? If you often like to show you're feelings/creativity. Anyone can be an artist.
What's the difference between art and entertainment? None, the artist is entertained the artist veiwer is entertained
Is there even a difference? Nope.
Are games art? Some have said that it is an art to play football, soccer, etc. Often people are creative and show feelings so yes it could qualify as art.
How important is art? Very important, without it many people would feel unable to show themeeselves or some peoples minds would of never been changed.
How many times can I say art in this thread? 53
Is there "high art" and "low art"? I have no idea.
Hypothetically speaking, music is art. But is this art? yes, it shows feelings and is creative.


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How many times can I say art in this thread? 53

lol Rep points for that.

Also, art is really important for not only the reasons people have said, but because they are a/the backbone of any culture.


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Art is the recreation of reality to express one's philosophy. Good art is that which expresses a good philosophy with style and skill. Art is important because it can represent a reality that one wants to exist, but doesn't. We live in an imperfect world with imperfect people, and art is a way of creating perfect people and perfect worlds.


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Art is subjective to the eye and experiences of the beholder as there's no agree'd upon definition for it.

That's taking a primacy of consciousness viewpoint - that something can't exist without human consensus. Your saying, in essence, that there can only be a definition of art as long as humans agree on a definition for it. But art is a part of the universe - we took what existed and re-created it, making it into art. Try to find a piece of art that has NO basis in reality. It's impossible. Art is based of that which exists, and that which exists exists independent of anyone or any groups definition. It has an OBJECTIVE definition.


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Main Entry: art form

Function:noun Date:1868

1: a form or medium of expression recognized as fine art <sees dance as both an art form and an entertainment>

2 a: an unconventional form or medium in which impulses regarded as artistic may be expressed <describe pinball as a great American art form— Tom Buckley> b: an undertaking or activity enhanced by a high level of skill or refinement <easy conversation—an art form in peril of being lost to contemporary schedules — Joanna Pruess>


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1. the creation of works of beauty or other special significance
2. works of art collectively
3. human creativity as distinguished from nature
4. skill: she was still new to the art of bargaining
5. any branch of the visual arts, esp. painting
6. get something down to a fine art to become proficient at something through practice

*Also see Art Garfunkel.