Are You Trapped In A Fixed Mindset? Fix It!

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I like to share this article which I came across at Forbes.Com. I believe mindsets, attitude, being negative etc are factors which stifle performance and cause setbacks.

The psychologist Carol Dweck tells you how, in five simple steps.

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In a rut in your life, or in your career? There's just one big simple thing you have to do to get out of it, says Carol Dweck, Stanford University psychologist: Switch from a fixed mindset to a growth one.
In her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Dweck writes "For 20 years, my research has shown that the view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life. It can determine whether you become the person you want to be and whether you accomplish the things you value. How does this happen? How can a simple belief have the power to transform your psychology and, as a result, your life?"
A person with a fixed mindset, she explains, believes we are all born with a certain set of skills and competencies. We either have a talent for something or we don't. It's all binary. You have artistic ability or not; you have language skills or not; you are a great natural leader or not. There is nothing in between, nor is there the possibility for serious personal development and growth. Why put a lot of effort into learning something you'll never be able to master anyway? Time and energy are better spent further honing your existing skills.
The dangers in thinking and behaving this way are as varied as they are predictable. It means success is all about showing how smart or talented you are. It's all about validating yourself. Something new is something to be avoided, as it may expose weakness. And the last thing you want to do is acknowledge and address a weakness. You'd rather pretend it doesn't exist. On those rare occasions where you are forced to confront one, you resort to the key weapons of the fixed mindset: blame, excuses and the stifling of critics and rivals.
Fortunately, Dweck says, not everyone thinks this way, and almost no one does all the time.
On the other end of the spectrum is the growth mindset. If you have a full-on growth mindset, anything and everything is possible. If there is something you have an interest in yet don't know how to do, you do whatever it takes to learn it. By stretching your comfort zone, you are able to continually develop yourself and define your own levels of success. With this mindset, even failure and criticism become opportunities to learn and grow.
Which mindset do you have? Read each of these two statements about intelligence and decide whether you mostly agree or disagree with it.
--My intelligence is something very basic about me that I can't change very much.
can always substantially change how intelligent I am.
Statement One is a fixed-mindset statement. Statement Two reflects the growth mindset. For intelligence you could substitute artistic talent, sports ability or leadership skill. Try it.
The good news is that even someone who has always looked at the world with a fixed mindset can change, Dweck says. Forbes recently asked her to explain the steps involved in shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth one. This was her written reply:
Begin by seeking evidence for the growth mindset in your life.
Think about an area where you once had little ability, but now you're pretty good at it. How did you make the change?
Think of someone you know who dramatically improved their performance. What did they do to make it happen?
Think about people who have done things you were sure they could never do. What does their experience tell you about our ability to develop ourselves?
Next, learn to recognize your fixed mindset when it takes over.
As you approach a challenge, your fixed mindset voice says, "Am I sure I can do it? Maybe I don't have the talent. Let's stay in our comfort zone and protect our dignity."
As you hit an obstacle, the voice says, "This would be easy if I really had talent; it's not too late to back out and save face."
As you face criticism, it quickly says, "It's not my fault."
Recognize that you have a choice.
How you treat challenges, setbacks and criticism is up to you. You can interpret them with a fixed mindset as signs that your talents are lacking, or you can interpret them with a growth mindset as signs that you need to ramp up your strategies and effort, stretch yourself and expand your abilities. You decide.
As you face challenges, setbacks and criticism, listen to that fixed mindset voice and talk back to it with a growth mindset voice.
When you approach a challenge:
The fixed mindset says, "Am I sure I can do it? Maybe I don't have the talent." The growth mindset answers, "I'm not sure I can do it now, but I know I can learn."
Fixed mindset: "I'll stay in my comfort zone and protect my dignity." Growth mindset: "If I don't try, I'll automatically fail. Where's the dignity in that?"
As you hit a setback:
Fixed mindset: "This would be a snap if I really had talent." Growth mindset: "That is so wrong. Basketball wasn't easy for Michael Jordan, and inventing wasn't easy for Thomas Edison. They had a passion, and they put in tons of effort."
As you face criticism:
Fixed mindset: "It's not my fault." Growth mindset: "If I don't take responsibility, I can't fix it. Let me listen, regardless of how painful it is, and learn whatever I can."
Put the growth mindset into action.
Which voice you listen to becomes pretty much your choice. You decide whether or not you're going to:
--take on a challenge wholeheartedly,
--learn from your setbacks and try again,
--hear the criticism and act on it.
Again, the choice is yours.
Practice hearing both voices, and practice listening to and acting on the growth mindset. See how things start to change.
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