America: The Grim Truth

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This is an awesome article. Hear it from the horse's mouth.
- Americans, I have some bad news for you:
You have the worst quality of life in the developed world – by a wide margin.
If you had any idea of how people really lived in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many parts of Asia, you’d be rioting in the streets calling for a better life. In fact, the average Australian or Singaporean taxi driver has a much better standard of living than the typical American white-collar worker.
I know this because I am an American, and I escaped from the prison you call home.
All this begs the question: Why would anyone put up with this? Ask any American and you’ll get the same answer: because America is the freest country on earth. If you believe this, I’ve got some more bad news for you: America is actually among the least free countries on earth. Your piss is tested, your emails and phone calls are monitored, your medical records are gathered, and you are never more than one stray comment away from writhing on the ground with two Taser prongs in your ass.
And that’s just physical freedom. Mentally, you are truly imprisoned. You don’t even know the degree to which you are tormented by fears of medical bankruptcy, job loss, homelessness and violent crime because you’ve never lived in a country where there is no need to worry about such things.
But it goes much deeper than mere surveillance and anxiety. The fact is, you are not free because your country has been taken over and occupied by another government. Fully 70% of your tax dollars go to the Pentagon, and the Pentagon is the real government of the United States. You are required under pain of death to pay taxes to this occupying government. If you’re from the less fortunate classes, you are also required to serve and die in their endless wars, or send your sons and daughters to do so. You have no choice in the matter: there is a socio-economic draft system in the United States that provides a steady stream of cannon fodder for the military.
Right now, the government is building fences and walls along its northern and southern borders. Right now, the government is working on a national ID system (soon to be fitted with biometric features). Right now, the government is building a surveillance state so extensive that they will be able to follow your every move, online, in the street and across borders. If you think this is just to protect you from “terrorists,” then you’re sadly mistaken. Once the shit really hits the fan, do you really think you’ll just be able to jump into the old station wagon, drive across the Canadian border and spend the rest of your days fishing and drinking Molson? No, the government is going to lock the place down. They don’t want their tax base escaping. They don’t want their “recruits” escaping. They don’t want YOU escaping.
I am not writing this to scare you. I write this to you as a friend. If you are able to read and understand what I’ve written here, then you are a member of a small minority in the United States. You are a minority in a country that has no place for you.
So what should you do?
You should leave the United States of America./QUOTE]:24::24::24:
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Can we create a "trolling" subforum for kelvin's not really political posts that he posts in the politics forum?


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Quote From the Quote in the OP said:
...I’ve got some more bad news for you: America is actually among the least free countries on earth.
lol, wut?

We're not #1, but we're not like, the among worst

Minor Axis

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Can we create a "trolling" subforum for kelvin's not really political posts that he posts in the politics forum?

The best thing you can do with a thread like this is ignore it. I'm fatigued by the steady stream of unrelenting critical U.S. posts the author produces touching on many aspects of life in the U.S. with the only apparent intent is to discredit the government and/or its citizens.


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The best thing you can do with a thread like this is ignore it. I'm fatigued by the steady stream of unrelenting critical U.S. posts the author produces touching on many aspects of life in the U.S. with the only apparent intent is to discredit the government and/or its citizens.
Just go to any poltical forum and you will notice the same thing. It also boils down to free speech. You came up with a thread abt singapore including many posts crtical of singapore. Its free speech and you have the right to do so.

Minor Axis

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I don't spend my life online ragging on Singapore. Living under an oppressive regime, you exercise you pseudo free speech arguing one sided arguments against the U.S. in a U.S. based forum. Most ironically you have the ability to criticize here, a freedom you apparently don't have at home. You are self proclaimed "anti-human rights", "anti-freedom", so maybe that is why you choose to use the freedom here to constantly criticize where you can get away with it.

I don't mind constructive criticism, I do a lot of it myself, but you are overwhelmingly unrelentingly negative concerning everything about the U.S. Your Christianity in America thread was my limit. You have the ability to criticize and I have the ability to ignore bullshit. There is a difference between having a disagreement with other people who have the best interests of their country at heart and an outsider who shows no indication of wanting to do anything but verbally drag it down.

Your avatar is perfect because you spend most of your time giving the U.S your finger. Have you ever posted anything positive about the U.S., it's culture, people, way of life, government?
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I don't spend my life online ragging on Singapore. Living under an oppressive regime, you exercise you pseudo free speech arguing one sided arguments against the U.S. in a U.S. based forum. Most ironically you have the ability to criticize here, a freedom you apparently don't have at home. You are self proclaimed "anti-human rights", "anti-freedom", so maybe that is why you choose to use the freedom here to constantly criticize where you can get away with it.

I don't mind constructive criticism, I do a lot of it myself, but you are overwhelmingly unrelentingly negative concerning everything about the U.S. Your Christianity in America thread was my limit. You have the ability to criticize and I have the ability to ignore bullshit. There is a difference between having a disagreement with other people who have the best interests of their country at heart and an outsider who shows no indication of wanting to do anything but verbally drag it down.

Have you ever posted anything positive about the U.S., it's culture, people, way of life, government?
I told you guys many times to look at the history of my threads - dont just confine yourself to politics. A first world country with international standing cant be an oppressive regime. We have as much freedom as you have in US. Most of my sources are from reputable US publications which many people out there have been reading. If you want to read something positive abt US I can post them anytime. Maybe I will do that the next time round.
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I cant open those YouTube videos since yeterday. It says error try again later. Maybe FBI/CIA/Homeland Security is blocking it.


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Your avatar is perfect because you spend most of your time giving the U.S your finger. Have you ever posted anything positive about the U.S., it's culture, people, way of life, government?[/QUOTE]
:24: I can change my AV if you dont like it. BTW Minor Axis 9 out of 10 threads in the political section posted by americans are negative. So you guys can post negatives and a singaporean rubs salt in the wound:24:


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Hey Minor Axis, I know you are a nice polite man but of late you became a little hostile cuz of the christianity thread I posted. What if I post now the latest furore with the pope which is abt pedophile catholic priests. Its in the media all over the world today and last couple of days. Will you consider that as trolling?


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Stuff like your OP has been around awhile for those that choose to read them.

Regarding Catholics, imho, the only way to hold these 'men' accountable is to withhold the collection plate funds. Perhaps if their followers withheld those precious dollars letting these 'men' know why accountability would happen?

Personally, it's good to know that in this day and age I can fly my middle finger at them and not be put to death or jailed. Something that should be happening to all those who partake in said children and especially those who cover it up or pretend it isn't happening.

Minor Axis

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I told you guys many times to look at the history of my threads - dont just confine yourself to politics. A first world country with international standing cant be an oppressive regime. We have as much freedom as you have in US.

Delusional, hypocritical, or just being politically correct for big brother? Your online conversations are monitored, and your internet is censored. Relatively speaking it takes very little in the way of public complaints to put you in jail.

Hey Minor Axis, I know you are a nice polite man but of late you became a little hostile cuz of the christianity thread I posted. What if I post now the latest furore with the pope which is abt pedophile catholic priests. Its in the media all over the world today and last couple of days. Will you consider that as trolling?

The short answer: Criticizing pedophile priests is not trolling as it is a well known issue.

The long answer: I think I've all ready explained this to you. I have my share of critiques I direct towards Christians in general, usually when posts are made that claim facts about our relationship with God and heaven. I've also made comments about the hypocritical nature of people and specifically Christians.

I don't know if you made up the graphic that launched your Christians in America thread or if you found it on the net, but the post, was presented in a way that for whatever the reason, implied that American's are some kind of sub-standard, sub-set of Christians. To prevent misunderstandings, a post like that demands that you state an opinion about the subject matter otherwise it can be assumed the theme of this post was your idea.

And as you chose not to say anything, it implied that your feelings are those as expressed in the graphic. I asked you about half-way houses and prisons in Singapore and you said, "oh we have those too".

For whatever reason, you decided Christians in America are deserving of this criticism. That they are rich hypocrites, and despite the fact that half-way houses serve a positive purpose in society, prisons indicate problems with society, and we know Singapore has prisons that it likes locking up political dissidents in, the post did not make much sense other than as a vehicle to bash Christians in America. That post in particular, in combination with realizing you are a Singaporean who is expressly "anti-human rights" really stuck a hostile chord with me. I have no real idea where your moral center is, how you really feel. If you actually think Singapore is the best, or for self preservation, that has to be your public face.

I've not reviewed every post you've made in the forum, but your posts of late seem to be mostly, safe to say when it concerns the U.S. 100% anti-U.S. in tone? At some point, every member of the forum will decide if you are here to have meaningful conversations or here just to stir the pot. The latter is trolling. As presented, the Christians in America thread qualifies as trolling imo. If you want to prevent that interpretation, if that is not what you ment, then it's up to you to say exactly what you mean or to be received as a hostile participant with hostile motivations.

BTW, I'm happy to friendly with you online, if you can be relatively fair and say something nice once in a while.
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