America is easily distracted

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The anniversary of September the 11th has come and gone. There were memorials, public speeches, a few television shows and a mild coming together of the people. But where was the public outcry or the overwhelming feeling of patriotism as every house on every street proudly displayed an American flag? Is it just me or does America have a very short and distorted memory? Was September the 11th just another blip on the on the RADAR for the news media? Will it only be another talking point for the politicians to use during election time? Well I for one will not forget that day; it will be with me forever. It has changed many of my view about this world and the country we live in.

I have come to question many things that I once took for granted, my government for one. Never realizing how much corruption and greed there is running through our government, I am amazed that we are as strong as we are as a nation. Is it just luck that we are where we are right now? Is it that the greed and corruption hasn’t taken all that it will yet? I thought that maybe it was us, the American people that held this country together. But it’s not, we are mealy sheep kept in the dark and fed only enough to survive. We are told what to feel and how to live. We are handed shiny toys that keep us engaged while there is a world of troubles that we need to be addressing.

“The War on Terrorism.” Ah, a new shiny toy to keep us occupied. While America grits its teeth and wrings its hand while watching the evening news, we yet again miss the bigger picture. It’s not the terrorists that threaten our very freedom; it’s those that keep us in fear and vowel to protect us from it. “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” Benjamin Franklin. In the last 10 years, there have been fewer than 5,000 American lives taken by terrorist acts. Fewer than 3000 lives were taken on September 11th 2001 alone. America was outraged. We stood united coast to coast with a voice as one that could be heard around the world. Yet every year 15 million children die of hunger, 5 million deaths are attributable to smoking annually and auto accidents kill another 1.2 million people worldwide each year. Where is the outcry for these people? Our government will convince you that our very freedom is on the line. That we need to give up our freedom to them so they can protect us from loosing it to the terrorists. Are we in danger? Yes, we are, but you have to look at it in terms of risk. Each year 440,000 Americans loose there lives to smoking (smokers and nonsmokers) yet over the last 10 years less than 5,000 Americans died at the hands of terrorists. This means you are 880 times more likely to die from smoking than in a terrorist attack. Yet we give our freedoms up for a “war on terrorism” a war that we chose to fight in Iraq while our borders are open to everyone. If our government truly had your safety and freedom at heart, the borders would be the first place that received attention. It would have then told it’s citizens to arm themselves and form neighborhood watch groups rooting out any terrorists within our borders. Then we could have gone and taken care of Iraq from the air. We do not need troops on the ground losing their lives when we have the time and the weapons to complete the job from afar.

It’s time to question; it’s time to take action.

I’ll post more when I have time, what are your thoughts?
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Re: America is easily distracted.

The anniversary of September the 11th has come and gone. There were memorials, public speeches, a few television shows and a mild coming together of the people. But where was the public outcry or the overwhelming feeling of patriotism as every house on every street proudly displayed an American flag? Is it just me or does America have a very short and distorted memory? Was September the 11th just another blip on the on the RADAR for the news media? Will it only be another talking point for the politicians to use during election time? Well I for one will not forget that day; it will be with me forever. It has changed many of my view about this world and the country we live in.

I think People Still morn, They still feel aSense Of outrage, yet like with anything, Time does begin to Heal, Just as you heal and move on from the loss of a loved one, People have begun to heal and move on from this tragedy, They still think about it, I don't believe anyone could ever forget, But it is no diffrent then the thousands who cried and mourned the assisnation of Kennedy, Or the insult it caused when Hitler riegned, As appaling and painful as it is, Time heals, Time brings acceptance ( you don't like it, yet you have learned to live with the knowledge that it happened, life goes on and nothing can be changed) But Forgetting will never happened. 5 years, and I doubt there is a single person who couldn't tell you where they were when they first heard about it.


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Re: America is easily distracted.

That's a good post Tim. I have so many thoughts on this since I am affected by it on a daily basis as I am in the military.
I couldn't agree more that we should be more concerned with shoring up our own borders instead of "trying" to stand up a democratic government in another country.


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Re: America is easily distracted.

you know..

its great and all to make posts about it. but at the end of the day, what have you accomplished? increasing your post count. and getting a few agreeing posts.

i wont post my views on the subject. for then i would be just like you. i have in the past, and posting has done nothing much.


Having way too much fun
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Re: America is easily distracted.

you know..

its great and all to make posts about it. but at the end of the day, what have you accomplished? increasing your post count. and getting a few agreeing posts.

i wont post my views on the subject. for then i would be just like you. i have in the past, and posting has done nothing much.

Without editorials, opinions and news we would be an uninformed country. I like to hear what others feel about different topics that I feel strongly about. Without debate and conversation, we would amount to nothing more than a communist regime that believes only in which our government feeds us. I don’t pretend to know everything, I know I don’t. It’s through discussion and debate like this that I get to see other points of view. It’s through these conversations that I expand my knowledge or adjust my point of view.

As with any post…
You can choose not to read it because it’s too long and go back to the “Does size matter” thread.
You can read it and post your views on it, adding to the content of the thread.
Or, you can just leave a non relevant post that dilutes the thread and adds to your post count.

I would rather hear your point of view.


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Re: America is easily distracted.

It would have then told it’s citizens to arm themselves and form neighborhood watch groups rooting out any terrorists within our borders.

Call me retarded, but this line stuck out at me more than anything else that I read from your writing.

Have you ever seen one of the Twilight Zone episodes called something like The Monsters are Due on Maple Street?? The whole thing is about how this block of houses loses electricity, and all the people are hanging out on the street & suddenly this one guy's lights & car starts up and everyone freaks out because they think he's an alien or a terrorist or something along those lines. The idea of the story is that a group of people left to their own devices to investigate & hunt 'terrorists' is like that. We get overly suspicious and start pointing fingers and eventually high-powered weaponry. Neighborhood watch groups that are given full reign to take whatever actions they see fit is just asking for innocent people to die because people become paranoid.

EDIT: Found the best quote to reinforce what I was trying to say. From the end of the episode...
Narrator: "The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices, to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy, and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own - for the children, and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is that these things cannot be confined to the Twilight Zone."


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Re: America is easily distracted.

Is everything ok Lemon? You seem to be in a bad mood. That is very unlike you.

nope. just realizing some stuff, with the help of others. i talk to a member here ( or used to be i should say ) "sim" ... she told me something that made pretty damn good sense. and its related to the post you are questioning of my mood.

it doesnt help to complain and bitch and then not do any active work in something, and then go sleep with a warm feeling, because when you wake up, and nothing changes, your supposed work was for naught.

its more helpful to actually get involved, then to sit behind a computer screen and bitch about politics. just get involved.

so, nah, i wasnt mad or in a bad mood.. but thanks for asking:cool:


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Re: America is easily distracted.

Without editorials, opinions and news we would be an uninformed country. I like to hear what others feel about different topics that I feel strongly about. Without debate and conversation, we would amount to nothing more than a communist regime that believes only in which our government feeds us. I don’t pretend to know everything, I know I don’t. It’s through discussion and debate like this that I get to see other points of view. It’s through these conversations that I expand my knowledge or adjust my point of view.

As with any post…
You can choose not to read it because it’s too long and go back to the “Does size matter” thread.
You can read it and post your views on it, adding to the content of the thread.
Or, you can just leave a non relevant post that dilutes the thread and adds to your post count.

I would rather hear your point of view.

my point of view:

america is pathetic.

there. you have my point of view, in three, simple words, that i believe anyone can understand.

this is not just confined to america, but since it is about america, i will attempt to limit my view to the current discussion, which is america.

to expand:

america is pathetic.

why? because the people just do what they are told to do. they never really question things. they just go along with the flow. because if they dont, they most likely think that the other americans will think of them as unpatriotic. or something like that. see, america isnt america anymore. dont refute. you cant. america is all about how we look to others. america is all about appearances now. no one says, "you know what? i think im going to question what the president just did." no - they say, " the president knows what he is doing, and as long as it doesnt affect me, im not going to worry about it. " ... i should say the average joe ( not a reflection on our joe, unless he thinks as such, and since i dont know for sure whether or not this is the case, i shall not make an inference as to which way our joe thinks ) does not make a concious effort to change things. they dont want to. they dont care. and thats why people were patriotic for the 5th anniversary of 9.11. and then they went back to their regular lives and routines. they think its ok for now, and when it really gets bad, the other people will take care of it.

so i think. i could be wrong, but the evidence of the country allowing our current government to do amounts to some pretty convincing conclusions.

and if i had a chance, id gather some assistance, and overthrow this government. but the people of the united states do not want to get out of their comfort zone to really do something about the issues that plague our country today. and since they arent doing anything about it today, the issues will just compound upon themselves, and either the usa will change as necessary ( overthrown, because our current form of government takes way too long to actually solve an issue ) or the usa will just fall out of the superpower status it currently holds, and just spiral down after that into complete chaos.

but hell, since no one actually wants to do anything except bitch about it online and discuss it at home, nothing will ever get done. so... :rolleyes:


Having way too much fun
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I am politically active and I try to make as much of a difference as possible. It's not like I can just grab a gun and run down to the White house and demand a regime change. I vote, I petition, I write to my congressman, but the biggest difference I can make is to bring to the table topics that need to be dealt with. When you write an article that makes someone sit back and say "My god, I never knew that" that article may inspire people to discuss it and do something about it (even if it's as simple as voting) then you have done something.
But if you just sit back and say "Hell, why even state my opinion, it's not like I can do anything about it?" then you and your opinion no longer matter.
Is there something else to be done? because I'm on board with anything that can help with the apathy in this country, or regime change.


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I am politically active and I try to make as much of a difference as possible. It's not like I can just grab a gun and run down to the White house and demand a regime change. I vote, I petition, I write to my congressman, but the biggest difference I can make is to bring to the table topics that need to be dealt with. When you write an article that makes someone sit back and say "My god, I never knew that" that article may inspire people to discuss it and do something about it (even if it's as simple as voting) then you have done something.
But if you just sit back and say "Hell, why even state my opinion, it's not like I can do anything about it?" then you and your opinion no longer matter.
Is there something else to be done? because I'm on board with anything that can help with the apathy in this country, or regime change.

true - but if you or other people dont do something after reading the article, the article is worthless, besides stating an opinion.

edit - removed the voting falacy thing. sometimes it works, like local politics, but national politics are questionable. im working on somethings, including registering to vote...


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Unfortunately, with the national politics we have to rely on officials that we elect to vote on things on our behalf. I can't even imagine how many bills come before Congress and the Senate that are voted on that the average citizen doesn't even know about.


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The swaying of the liberal media wants America to forget, it doesn't help their socialist and un-American views to have Americans come together or love their country. They play on the hate and fears and stupidty of people. It's sad.


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First off I admit, I am not a big political person, So some of the opinions I express I am also quilty of. Try not to hold it against me,

America is a lazy, spoiled country, We have life easy, most americans are very content to sit back and just let life happen, when it is not what they think will happen, they complain about it, Sadly not because they plan on trying to do anything to change it, but because they figure and assume that if they bitch enough, Somebody else may do something to fix it.

Then we have those who do try to change it, and they are called fanatics, If it makes waves, If it does not sit Well with what the other half thinks it should be, They fight it, They argue it, America is to busy arguing amongst themselves to ever stand up and actualy figure out how, what, or where somethign needs to be done.

America is like a couple of 4 year olds fighting over who gets to pick the game, If it aint my way it aint right" We live in a society that is so entirely self serving that they can never take time to see what needs to be done to better serve. They only want it the way it works for them, and there is no concern of how that might affect their neighbor.

We can try to change things we don't agree with, True, And I agree that we should, But as a self serving society, The battle will almost always be among ourselves.

not arguing a point, just stating my opinion