A View Of The Uks Relationship With Europe

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Peter Parka

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Just got this from Attila the stockbrokers myspace and despite it being much more left than my views, I thought it was a brilliant piece of work which should be shared!;)

My thoughts on the UK’s relationship with Europe....
Got this email a while ago......

Dear Attila the Stockbroker
> We are in the process of compiling a handbook of anecdotes, views and
> observations, which have shaped the thinking and attitudes of a wide range
> of people with regard to the UK‚s relationship with Europe, supported by
> easily understandable factual and historical information.
> Our primary objective is to publish an honest and interesting book for the
> widest possible readership, to assist in a more informed debate as the
> development of the European Union unfolds.
> We have no political affiliations and no axe to grind; our motivations are
> simply to inform the general public, and assist in the improvement of the
> debate, whatever the results may be.
> With all this in mind, we write to ask if you might be willing to contribute
> a written piece which best reflects your feelings regarding the UK‚s
> relationship with Europe, whatever they may be.

...and this was my response!

I have been asked to give my thoughts on the UK's relationship with Europe. I have always been astonished how the question arises. It's like asking me about my relationship with my arm.

There are six continents. Asia, America, Antarctica, Australia, Africa and Europe.

The UK isn't in any of the other five, is it, UK Alchohol Dependence Party? Is it, Daily Mail, Express, Sun reading amoeba heads? Did you DO geography at school? Inger-land, Blighty, whatever, depending on your social background and chosen form of address (and England is the only bit you actually care about, isn't it?) is in YUR-OP. We - that's all of us, are indisputably, implacably EUROPEAN!

We are. And there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. The only kind of relationship the UK has with Europe is the kind you have with that lager-filled beer gut of yours, or your gout, or the nasty disease you caught from your butler, or if you're a true member of the aristocracy, a member of your close family. We are part of Europe, as they are part of you. You might not like it...but we are!!

That's right. When your single functioning braincell is finally switched on, you will eventually realise that this country is as much part of Europe as France, Liechtenstein or any other of those strange places where the inhabitants speak a language which you don't understand! We are European. Like every other country in Europe. One among many. Not special. Got it? The only way we are special is that we're the only country in Europe where 90% of the population can't speak a foreign language....

As for the EU: I am for a European Union of the people. I am against a Europe dominated by slimy pinstriped capitalist scum. But then, I'm against
a world dominated by slimy capitalist scum, and it most certainly is right now. So, in the same way that the UK isn't a special case in Europe, Europe isn't a special case in the world.

On that basis I LOVE the EU and ADORE the Euro. Why? Because they wind up xenophobic, barathea blazer wearing, chip guzzling, knotted handkerchief brandishing, 'isn't it hot?' complaining, Bernard Manning loving, P.C. as a term of abuse employing, football as an excuse for right wing violence using IDIOTS!
Ban the pound! Abolish the English Channel! Superglue the UK to France, right in the middle of the garlic growing region! NOW!!!!!
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debbie t

Well-Known Member
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lovely..attila the stockbroker was at crawley folk festival summmer before last...free to anyone in the bar area...bloody brilliant.

sadly its now 400 years since the bloody french claimed normandy back from us.calais was always englands.

ron gives me shit about the eu.i dont like the arses in brussells but we are european and not the masters of the world any more.i would rather be european ,best food ,best beers and wines ....


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Not really my place to talk about it, so my opinion doesn't matter. As an observation though, I don't like the guy, his views, or his style of writing.

HAHA How's that for a non-opinion?! :D