On September 1, 2004 a group of armed terrorist from the nation Chechnya (an Islamic country within western Russia which was responsible for numerous terrorist attacks withing Russia) took an elementary school hostage, inside the school there were more then 1,100 people, 800 of them were children. The crises lasted for three days. On the first day the terrorists separated the hostages into groups, They took the groups to separate rooms which they bombed with the hostages inside, The survivors of the blast where then shot. Meanwhile Russian special forces evacuated local buildings, set up snipers and dispatched troops around the school. The terrorists wired the school with bombs and trip mines so that no one could escape or enter the building. They then threatened to blow up the entire school if there are any special forces found inside the building. On the first two days, Russian special forces tried to resolve the matter and negotiating a peaceful solution this proved unsuccessful.
The terrorists did not allow the hostages to be fed, or to be drink water.
Children and parents passed out due to fatigue and the intense heat of the gym where they were all being kept.
Children that cried were shot along with there parents.
A bomb was detonated in the gym on the third day, Killing many children and parents/teachers inside.
Immediately after the bomb was detonated Russian Special forces stormed the building after smoking it as well as many armed civilians that joined the crossfire.
370 people died that day, 160 of them where children
If I had the chance, I would Bomb and Bomb and Bomb Chechnya until there is nothing left except the dirt that they represent.
The terrorists did not allow the hostages to be fed, or to be drink water.
Children and parents passed out due to fatigue and the intense heat of the gym where they were all being kept.
Children that cried were shot along with there parents.
A bomb was detonated in the gym on the third day, Killing many children and parents/teachers inside.
Immediately after the bomb was detonated Russian Special forces stormed the building after smoking it as well as many armed civilians that joined the crossfire.
370 people died that day, 160 of them where children
If I had the chance, I would Bomb and Bomb and Bomb Chechnya until there is nothing left except the dirt that they represent.