2nd Amendment Remedies

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Minor Axis

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You know, the let's get out our guns rhetoric to create a democracy we like. I wonder if the tea party zealots who were talking about 2nd Amendment solutions are all not scrambling for cover since the Arizona shooting of a judge and politician, and a dozen or so others? All it takes is one crazy to hear you to take action. I don't visit Palin's web site, but understand she has removed the cross hairs including the one on Gabrielle Gifford's district.
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In Memoriam - RIP
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The more I'm reading about the shooter was that he attended the same Temple as Mrs Giffords and may have had a misguided affection for her. Who knows.

As for gun control, perhaps our politicians should be more concerned about working towards the needs of We Peeps then they won't have to worry about some now unemployed, broke person deciding to show their rep some old fashioned justice?

Minor Axis

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You don't watch the news much? The shooter had a personal vendetta against Giffords based on grammar. Nothing whatever to do with Palin. Even the liberal media has dropped it.

I admit I was late with this post, but my comment was based on Azazel's blank post, nothing more. If Palin stood by her imagery, those cross hairs would still be on her web site. :)


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The Arizona shooter like several other crazies in the past, the writing was on the wall and they were spiralling out of control before they took someone else's life.


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I admit I was late with this post, but my comment was based on Azazel's blank post, nothing more. If Palin stood by her imagery, those cross hairs would still be on her web site. :)


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I admit I was late with this post, but my comment was based on Azazel's blank post, nothing more. If Palin stood by her imagery, those cross hairs would still be on her web site. :)

I disagree... I think she removed them in order to take the spotlight off of herself. The left was looking to blame anyone that they could, and she was a convenient target. It's pretty sad that I heard that Palin, talk radio, and the Tea Party were all to blame before I knew the names of all of the victims. The media took whatever they could and ran with it, despite the fact that what they were saying was completely inaccurate.

The shooter was a nutjob, he wasn't part of the right or the left... he lived in his own little world as near as anyone can tell.

The Second Amendment isn't something that is ever going to go away... yet you zealots on the left seem to look for any and every excuse to try and do so.

Minor Axis

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I disagree... I think she removed them in order to take the spotlight off of herself. The left was looking to blame anyone that they could, and she was a convenient target. It's pretty sad that I heard that Palin, talk radio, and the Tea Party were all to blame before I knew the names of all of the victims. The media took whatever they could and ran with it, despite the fact that what they were saying was completely inaccurate.

The shooter was a nutjob, he wasn't part of the right or the left... he lived in his own little world as near as anyone can tell.

The Second Amendment isn't something that is ever going to go away... yet you zealots on the left seem to look for any and every excuse to try and do so.

Of course you would disagree. Do I have to explain this to you? It is not the 2nd Amendment that is the problem. It's the nutjobs on the right who have been bringing up the Second Amendment REMEDIES when discussing elections that may not go their way. And possibly an easy influenced nut job who hears all this gun talk decided to act on it. Then again it might be something else, but you don't hear liberals spouting about pulling out their guns, basically promoting revolution, if elections don't go their way.
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I admit I was late with this post, but my comment was based on Azazel's blank post, nothing more. If Palin stood by her imagery, those cross hairs would still be on her web site. :)

So that was a blank post eh?

Did you miss the caption at the bottom?? :eek

Or did you just dismiss it like the left likes to do with a lot of what our founding fathers tried to warn us about when drafting the constitution.

Or is that just......"an inconvenient truth" ;)

wyatt earp

New Member
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I disagree... I think she removed them in order to take the spotlight off of herself. The left was looking to blame anyone that they could, and she was a convenient target. It's pretty sad that I heard that Palin, talk radio, and the Tea Party were all to blame before I knew the names of all of the victims. The media took whatever they could and ran with it, despite the fact that what they were saying was completely inaccurate.

The shooter was a nutjob, he wasn't part of the right or the left... he lived in his own little world as near as anyone can tell.

The Second Amendment isn't something that is ever going to go away... yet you zealots on the left seem to look for any and every excuse to try and do so.

Are more crimes committed in blue or red areas?

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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So that was a blank post eh?

Did you miss the caption at the bottom?? :eek

Or did you just dismiss it like the left likes to do with a lot of what our founding fathers tried to warn us about when drafting the constitution.

Or is that just......"an inconvenient truth" ;)

When I replied his post appeared completely blank, beret of content. Now there is a pretty girl there. :) Maybe it was my browser...


Well-Known Member
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Of course you would disagree. Do I have to explain this to you? It is not the 2nd Amendment that is the problem. It's the nutjobs on the right who have been bringing up the Second Amendment REMEDIES when discussing elections that may not go their way. And possibly an easy influenced nut job who hears all this gun talk decided to act on it. Then again it might be something else, but you don't hear liberals spouting about pulling out their guns, basically promoting revolution, if elections don't go their way.

Yet the guy in Arizona wasn't influenced by anyone talking about "Second Amendment remedies". Furthermore, you're completely overstating the frequency with which statements like those have been made... to the best of my knowledge, Sharron Angle was the only one to have said that... and she was way out there. Basically any other GOP candidate could have beaten Harry Reid last year, but she was so far out there that there was no way in hell she could have... even taking that comment out of the equation. Palin put crosshairs up on congressional district targets... people put targets up on things all the time. I doubt it was some sort of hidden message for the crazies to go shoot people. It was a symbolic thing that those should be the congressional district targets that her followers should focus on taking back, for the reasons she mentioned. I'm by no means a Palin fan, but trying to connect her to this shooting is ridiculous.

Minor Axis

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Yet the guy in Arizona wasn't influenced by anyone talking about "Second Amendment remedies". Furthermore, you're completely overstating the frequency with which statements like those have been made... to the best of my knowledge, Sharron Angle was the only one to have said that... and she was way out there. Basically any other GOP candidate could have beaten Harry Reid last year, but she was so far out there that there was no way in hell she could have... even taking that comment out of the equation. Palin put crosshairs up on congressional district targets... people put targets up on things all the time. I doubt it was some sort of hidden message for the crazies to go shoot people. It was a symbolic thing that those should be the congressional district targets that her followers should focus on taking back, for the reasons she mentioned. I'm by no means a Palin fan, but trying to connect her to this shooting is ridiculous.

There was someone in Florida running who made inflammatory statements. As far as Palin, you guys must feel protective of her. I'm not saying it's her fault. I'm saying that after this incident, all of the cross hairs on her web site disappeared. We rough and tough populists sure like using gun imagery until someone gets shot, and then we put it away until later after things settle down.


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There was someone in Florida running who made inflammatory statements. As far as Palin, you guys must feel protective of her. I'm not saying it's her fault. I'm saying that after this incident, all of the cross hairs on her web site disappeared. We rough and tough populists sure like using gun imagery until someone gets shot, and then we put it away until later after things settle down.

How are targets "gun imagery"? If there was a rifle or something along with it, I think you could call it that.

As far as being protective of Palin goes... I can't stand the woman. I think she's a raging moron who has no place in politics. She's uneducated, makes idiotic statements, and I'd be ecstatic to see her exit the national stage. People like her that took over the original TEA Party disgust me... they changed it from what it was into just another neocon weapon.

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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How are targets "gun imagery"? If there was a rifle or something along with it, I think you could call it that.

As far as being protective of Palin goes... I can't stand the woman. I think she's a raging moron who has no place in politics. She's uneducated, makes idiotic statements, and I'd be ecstatic to see her exit the national stage. People like her that took over the original TEA Party disgust me... they changed it from what it was into just another neocon weapon.

They were cross hairs, if not a gun, something that shoots projectiles designed to kill. Don't get carried away, I'm talking imagery nothing more.

Although I probably knew this all ready about you my opinion of you just went up several notches. :)

All Else Failed

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People are going after the wrong thing. it is not guns that are the problem. The problem is people not doing anything when they have identified a clearly deranged individual who threatened violence many times before the shooting.

Also, this whole "the rhetoric made him do it!" is simply asinine. His closest associate said he never watched TV or listened to the radio.